How to develop on the SIP

This section of the documentation gives you hands-on guides on how to achieve specific tasks on the SIP:

I want to / needWhat should I do
My organization wants to start using the SIP.Awesome! Setting up a new organization requires some configuration. Write an Email to the ISG at and we can set up a meeting to onboard your organization.
I need to create a Dockerfile for my application.Checkout How to containerize a third-party tool for SIP that explains how to make an existing application ready to be deployed on the SIP.
I want to deploy an applicationCheckout out the How to deploy on the SIP guides for more information.
I have specific questions or need help with a specific topic.Sign up for the VSETH IT Slack and ask your question in one of the channels. Many topics already have a channel you can join, otherwise just use the #general channel and we will find a place for you (smile)