Migrate from vseth Theme 2.0.0 to canine-ui

Work in Progress

This is currently a work in progress page, collecting various things to do to migrate an existing application from the vseth frontend 2.0.0 to canine-ui

The purpose of this page is to be deleted after all tools have been migrated. Since this might take a while, it is so far a place to find guideance on how to upgrade to mantine. This is a collection of Stuff I can't find otherwise (as fast).

The main purpose for this page is the lack of resources I found for the changes in react-router. If there are sensible update guides for libraries, feel free to link them here.

to canine-ui

I am assuming you are using yarn as a package manager for node. If you are using npm, you will have to use the commands

remove vseth libraries
yarn remove @vseth/auth @vseth/auth-components @vseth/components @vseth/vseth-theme react-bootstrap
yarn add vseth-canine-ui @mantine/core @mantine/hooks @emotion/react

You will be able to replace most mentions of the @vseth/components by using @mantine/core.

React-Router v5 to v6

useHistory / useNavigate


if you want to send some state, it is sent in the second parameter under the state property, same as indicating a redirect (REPLACE) vs navigate (PUSH).

The useNavigate hook returns a navigate function:

declare function useNavigate(): NavigateFunction;

interface NavigateFunction {
    to: To,
    options?: { replace?: boolean; state?: any }
  ): void;
  (delta: number): void;

Note that the second argument is an options arg with replace and state properties.

history = useHistory()
navigate = useNavigate()
Redirecthistory.replace(url)navigate(url, { replace: true })
Navigate w/statehistory.push(url, params)navigate(url, { state: params })
Redirect w/statehistory.replace(url, params)navigate(url, { replace: true, state: params })