sip.yml (SIP Application Template)
The SIP Application Template is the central mechanism that a developer uses to specify how the application will be deployed on the SIP. The SIP Application Template is specified in the form of a yaml file called sip.yml that should be placed in the root of the application repository.
This page describes in detail all the configuration options that are currently available using the SIP Application Template.
Some resources can not be configured automatically. These step have the warning label 'Manual step' inside this documentation. Please contact an administrator to configure them for your application. Use the normal VSETH support process (ticket via mail to for this.
Currently the following resources and mechanisms can be configured using the SIP Application template:
The following as a complete example of a typical SIP Application Templates. It requests a Postgres database and access to S3 Storage. It also requests a randomly generated secret for SECRET_TEST and it listens on port 8080 and is by default accessible on not.<organisation-domain>
env: - name: TEST value: "hohooooo" - name: SECRET_TEST secret: key: test create: random postgres: - name: blub constraint: min: 9.3.1 s3: - name: foo ingress: - subdomain: not http: - path: / port: 8080
This field is a list of Postgres Databases. For every item in this list, a new database will be created. The constraint can request a minimal and maximal Postgres version. You can also leave it blank.
The information necessary to connect to each of the databases will then be injected into the container as environment variables:
: The URL of the server to connect toSIP_POSTGRES_<NAME>_PORT
: The port of the server to connect toSIP_POSTGRES_<NAME>_NAME
: The name of the database to connect toSIP_POSTGRES_<NAME>_USER
: The username for the postgres databaseSIP_POSTGRES_<NAME>_PW
: The password for the postgres database
The <NAME>
represents the uppercase name
field given in the SIP template, with dashes replaced by underscores.
postgres: - name: blub constraint: min: 9.3.1
This field is a list of MySQL Databases. For every item in this list, a new database will be created. The constraint can request a minimal and maximal MySQL version. You can also leave it blank.
The information necessary to connect to the database will then be injected into the container as environment variables.
: The URL of the server to connect toSIP_MYSQL_<NAME>_PORT
: The port of the server to connect toSIP_MYSQL_<NAME>_NAME
: The name of the database to connect toSIP_MYSQL_<NAME>_USER
: The username for the MySQL databaseSIP_MYSQL_<NAME>_PW
: The password for the MySQL database
mysql: - name: blub constraint: min: 4.3.1
This field is a list of S3 buckets. For every item in this list, a new bucket will be created. Our S3 supports pre-signed URLs
The information necessary to connect to each of the buckets will then be injected into the container as environment variables:
: The URL of the server to connect toSIP_S3_<NAME>_PORT
: The port of the server to connect toSIP_S3_<NAME>_BUCKET
: The name of the bucket to connect toSIP_S3_<NAME>_ACCESS_KEY
: The access key for the bucketSIP_S3_<NAME>_SECRET_KEY
: The secret key for the bucketSIP_S3_<NAME>_USE_SSL
: Whether to use SSL to connect to the bucket
The <NAME>
represents the name
field given in the SIP template.
s3: - name: foo
This is a list of requested persistent volumes. Each list item needs to have a name and the complete spec of a persistent volume claim
volumes: - name: foo mountPath: "/mnt/foo" accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 5Gi
This field will make your application accessible from the outside world. You will have to provide on which subdomain you want to be accessible and on what path and port you are listening.
The example below will forward http traffic arriving at not.<organisation-domain> to your application on port 8080 and add an alias for the domain at also-not.example.
We also support the addition of arbitrary Annotations. Ingresses of the same type [http, grpc, grpcweb] will be joined and conflicting annotations will lead to undefined behaviour.
ingress: - name: default subdomain: not annotations: foo: "bar" test: "3" cnames: - also-not.example http: - path: / port: 8080
The example below will expose a gRPC API running on port 7777
ingress: - name: default subdomain: not grpc: - port: 7777
If you walso want to expose the API using grpc Web:
ingress: - name: default subdomain: api.test grpc: - port: 7777 - name: grpcweb subdomain: webapi.test grpc-web: - port: 7777
Several variables for each ingress will then be injected into the container as environment variables which can then be used e.g. for setting the CSP of a site:
: The primary deployment domain of the ingress consisting of both the subdomain and the base domainSIP_INGRESS_<NAME>_CNAMES
: A space separated list of domains that were set as CNAME records
Change Maximal Upload Size and PHP Memory Limit of the Nginx and PHP Base Images
You can adjust Nginx/PHP's upload limit and memroy limit with built-in environment variables of the base images. But you also have to adjust Ingress. Here is an example. If you do not have PHP you can skip all the environment variables with CUSTOM_PHP*.
ingress: name: http-default subdomain: app-domain annotations: 512m env: - name: CUSTOM_NGINX_MAX_BODY_SIZE value: 512m - name: CUSTOM_PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT value: 256m - name: CUSTOM_PHP_POST_MAX_SIZE value: 512m - name: CUSTOM_PHP_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE value: 500m
Environment Variables
This field is a list of environment variables that are set for the application.
These are either fixed values, values that need to be set by the organisation deploying the application, secrets, or values that can be read from the namespace the application is deployed into.
We support different kinds of environment variables:
Basic: These are fixed environment variables. These are usually used by developers to set global configuration without hard coding them into the application itself. Every deployment of this applications will use the same values.
Example- name: TEST value: "hohooooo"
Secret: These are values that are unique to a deployment and that are secret. We have two different ways to create a secret "random" and "provided".
- "provided": The secret needs to be provided by the user. The corresponding key in the secret will be set to "". The actual secret needs to be entered into the secret by the user.
- "random": A random 16 character secret will be generated, using "a-z;A-Z;1-9"
Example- name: SECRET_TEST secret: key: test create: random
The environment variable will then be accessible to the application as an EnvVar with the given Name.
env: - name: TEST value: "hohooooo" - name: SECRET_TEST secret: key: test create: random
SIP can provide you a possibility to send Mails via SMTP. The same service account can also be used to send mails per GRPC
Where ever possible you should use the GRPC API to send mails. The SMTP feature is primarily aimed at third party apps.
The information for connecting to the SMTP server will be provided to you during runtime:
The minimal set of information:
- SIP_SMTP_<NAME>_MAIL_USER: The username for the SMTP connection.
- SIP_SMTP_<NAME>_MAIL_PW: The password for the SMTP connection.
Redzone: mail-api-smtp.api-prod.svc.cluster.local port 8081without any encryption
We a currently working that all these information also are provided as environment variables.
- SIP_SMTP_<NAME>_FROM_MAIL: The E-Mail address that you have to set as a sender of E-Mails.
- SIP_SMTP_<NAME>_HOST: The Hostname of the SMTP server.
- SIP_SMTP_<NAME>_ENCRYPTION: If you should use STARTTLS for the SMTP connection (can be 'true' or 'false').
- SIP_SMTP_<NAME>_PORT: The Port for the SMTP server.
Set the needed information in the sip.yml:
smtp: - name: thirdpartyapp
Authentication and Authorization
Information about auth services are also passed by environment variables.
auth: - name: test-application-frontend accessType: public clientProtocol: openid-connect validRedirectURIs: - scopes: defaultClientScopes: - profile - email optionalClientScopes: - address - name: test-application-backend accessType: bearer roles: - name: admin description: Admin of the application - name: not-admin description: Not-admins of the application
Client independent
These variables are independent of the client you are using:
ENV VARIABLE | Description | Example Value |
SIP_AUTH_OIDC_JWKS | The Json-Web-Key value according to this specification. | { "keys": [ { "kid": "xxfdsafefesa", "kty": "RSA", "alg": "RS256", "use": "sig", "n": "fdsafdsa", "e": "AQAB", "x5c": [ "fdsafesa" ], "x5t": "v-3hmaHcRvHUU18Dj5MAQC0MB9c", "x5t#S256": "ZXWD5GtYyteHUfVXUbhILrNDhj0JzZhwG5GJVWIQHKM" } ] } |
SIP_AUTH_OIDC_JWKS_URL | The URL the Json Web key can be downloaded from. | |
SIP_AUTH_OIDC_DISCOVERY_URL | The URL for the OIDC Disovery protocol. | |
SIP_AUTH_OIDC_AUTH_ENDPOINT | The authentication endpoint. | |
SIP_AUTH_OIDC_TOKEN_ENDPOINT | The token endpoint. | |
SIP_AUTH_OIDC_USERINFO_ENDPOINT | The userinfo endpoint. | |
SIP_AUTH_OIDC_LOGOUT_ENDPOINT | The logout endpoint. | |
SIP_AUTH_OIDC_ISSUER | The issuer | |
Client dependent
These variables depend on the client name you specified in sip.yml, should replace <name>.
ENV VARIABLE | Description | Example Value |
SIP_AUTH_<NAME>_CLIENT_ID | The client ID of the respective client (use this for OICD Audience (aud) tests. aud is the ID Token that is intended for. It MUST contain the OAuth 2.0 client_id of the Relying Party as an audience value.) | vseth-website |
SIP_AUTH_<NAME>_CLIENT_SECRET | The oauth secret for the respective client. | top-secret |
API Access
Currently the variables to access APIs have to be set by hand. Since this will be change soon only the standardized variables should be used.
ENV VARIABLE | Description | Example Value |
SIP_<API NAME>_HOST | A resolvable host to establish the GRPC connection to. | repomanager.service |
SIP_<API NAME>_PORT | The port of the GRPC server on the GRPC server | 9000 |
SIP_<API NAME>_TLS | "true" or "false" | "false" |
SIP_<API NAME>_WEBURL | The external url of the GRPC web API for Frontends | |
If you consume an API you simply have to add the servis name to the consumes list
servis: consumes: - name: "vseth.sip.people"
If you provide an API you will have to at least reference the corresponding Ingress
ingress: - name: default subdomain: people.api grpc: - port: 9111 - name: web subdomain: people.webapi grpc-web: - port: 9111 servis: provides: - name: "vseth.sip.people" ingress: default webingress: web ssl: false
Kubernetes Internal
Sets the resource requirements of the application container. See official kubernetes documentation for further information.
resources: requests: memory: 50Mi cpu: 100m limits: memory: 100Mi cpu: 500m
Node Selectors
These are only listed for completeness and usage is not recommended!
nodeSelector: graphicSettings: ultra miningProfile: monero data: big
Prometheus configuration
If your application exports metrics for Prometheus, you can specify the port and the path to the metrics endpoint.
prometheus: port: 9100 path: "/prom"
Port is required, path is optional and will default to /metrics if not specified.