SIP Tutorial
This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating your first deployment on the SIP. We create an example project in the SIP Playground. However if you already have a project that you want to deploy, you can of course also use this as an example instead of the project that we create here.
0 - Setup
A few remarks before we get started:
- In general all VSETH Actives (including FV Actives) should have the necessary access permissions to follow this tutorial.
- If you get stuck somewhere in the tutorial do not hesitate to ask for help on the VSETH IT Slack
- This tutorial and the whole documentation is work-in-progress, so if anything is unclear or could be improved, do not hesitate to tell us! (or just extend the documentation yourself
The following tools will be used throughout this tutorial:
- VSETH IT Slack Register for the VSETH IT Slack, this is the place you can ask questions during this tutorial (Channel #sip-support).
- Gitlab
- Teamcity
- sipctl # VSETH Tools Explorer where you can download the for example the sipctl commandline tool
Before starting this tutorial make sure you have access to these tools and have the necessary permissions.
1 - Setting up a project
Navigate to the sip-play-apps group on the ETH Gitlab (or just use this link:
Create a new project (there should be a big blue button at top-right corner "New Project") and name it $nethz-hello-sip, so for example if your nethz-username is "lukasre", you should name your project lukasre-hello-sip.
If you want to you can clone the project to your local system, more information can be found in Git and Gitlab Tutorial. For this guide you can also just use the Web Editor provided by Gitlab.
After you have created a Gitlab project this project needs to be linked to Teamcity (our build system). Unfortunately at the moment it is not possible to do this in self-service.
Link a Gitlab Project to Teamcity
To link a Gitlab project to Teamcity a Rundeck Job needs to be executed: Link Gitlab Project To Teamcity. You need the appropriate user rights to login into Rundeck.
It will take some time until the linking is completed by Rundeck and Teamcity
After your Gitlab Project has been linked to Teamcity, you should be able to login to Teamcity and see a project with the same as in Gitlab (You can use the search-field in the top-left corner to find your project).
2 - Adding some stuff to your project
You can play around with this tutorial if you would like to get deeper into how to deploy apps
vseth / sip-com-apps / examples / workshop-sip-python · GitLab (
TODO: describe how to add Dockerfile, sip.yml and a index.html file.
3 - Checking the build of the project
TODO: Goto teamcity to check that the build of the project is working fine.
4 - Register an application
sipctl register app
5 - Create a deployment
sipctl deploy app
6 - Share your success
Awesome you just created your first SIP deployment. Share your success by posting the link of your deployment to the #allgemein channel on the VSETH IT Slack.