Delete a SIP deployment or application

You need to have installed Sipctl to delete deployments and applications.

Delete a Deployment

This will remove a deployment and ALL (Databases, Volumes, S3 etc.) its data.

You can delete a deployment by running:

sipctl delete -n $namespace $deploymentName

For example to delete the deployment: hello-world in the namespace play-staging you would have to execute:

sipctl delete -n play-staging hello-world

Delete an Application

Before deleting a SIP application you should delete its deployments.

You can delete a sip application by running:

sipctl unregister -n $namespace $applicationName

For example to delete the application hello-app registered in the namespace play-apps you would execute:

sipctl unregister -n play-apps hello-app

How to delete a SIP deployed Wordpress instance

how to delete
# delete deployment
$ kubectl get deployment.sip -n vmp-staging
$ kubectl delete deployment.sip -n vmp-staging wp-phi-s

# delete ingresses after you removed the deployment
$ kubectl get ingress -n vmp-staging
$ kubectl delete ingress -n vmp-staging <ingress-name>