Register an application


  • The code is ready to deploy in a gitlab repo
  • The teamcity build has successfully produced an image
  • You have specified a sip.yml

Via sipctl

Have you installed sipctl?

If you run the subcommands without the flags, you get informative help about them

sipctl register -n <app-namespace> -r <gitlab-path> <name> -b <branch>

app-namespace: The namespace storing applications in your organisation, e.g. vseth-app

gitlab-path: The path in gitlab, e.g. vseth/0403-isg/sip-vseth-apps/goldene-eule

name: The name of your new application, usually the same as git gitlab project name, e.g. goldene-eule-grpc

branch: The git branch to follow, e.g. grpc

sipctl register -n vseth-apps -r vseth/0403-isg/sip-vseth-apps/goldene-eule goldene-eule-grpc -b grpc

Now run a new build in teamcity


In the app-namespace you now have a new with values from the CLI flags and sip.yml