Documentation Todos

The dev documentation is still being worked on. Below, you can find an overview of what still needs to be done.
If you find something you would like to work on or if you are interested in developing in VSETH, contact TBD.

What needs to be done?

General Todos

  • Adapt "Join us" to SEK Friedrich Ginnold 
  • See which graphics need an overhaul.
  • Overhaul graphics in need of such an overhaul
  • Move ISG internal stuff back to ISG space


Explanations/ Concepts

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date


  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date



  1. How-tos: Cover the entire experience of developing on the SIP with How-tos in order to enable devs.
    1. Make sure to link/mark/write into todos the related concepts
  2. Tutorials: For workshops